Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My First Movie Review

BRAINSTORM - Film: The Fighter
1:  An extremely well made film
2:  Funny at parts
3:  Great inspirational speech at the end
4:  A story that needed to be told
5:  Christian Bale - Best supporting actor at Golden Globes
6:  The Fighter - Best Film Nominee
7:  I enjoyed it a lot
8:  Mark Wahlberg actually trained for the boxing and it made the movie much better
9:  Both Mark and Christian look the part of their characters
10:  Not a lot of fighting scenes
11:  I enjoyed the fighting scenes though
12:  Predictable ending
13:  Family is messed up
14:  Good music
15:  Kept me interested the whole movie


The Fighter was an extremely entertaining movie from start to finish.  One of the reasons why it was so entertaining was because it is a sports movie that has great acting to accompany it.  Christian Bale was fantastic throughout the whole movie.  From his physique in the Batman movies compared to it in The Fighter you can tell he lost significant weight in order to fit the part.  Also Mark Wahlberg trained at a boxing gym in order to get prepared for this film.  With his training Wahlberg was actually able to perform the fighting that was shown in the film.  This preparation made the film even better.  Its not a surprise to me that The Fighter was up for the Best Film nomination at the Golden Globes this year due to the great acting by Bale and Wahlberg, Bale's amazing inspirational speech at the Championship Fight and the perfect choice of music.  The only negatives of this film were that I would have enjoyed to see more fights and the end was predictable.  However, it was a great story that needed to be told and I enjoyed it thoroughly